KKW’s Frequently Asked Questions

I recently tried out and made the team, now what?

  • Congrats and welcome to the team! Enjoy a free week on us “trying out” the team before registering to see what it’s all about and to ensure correct level placement.
  • Step #1 is to create an account with USA Swimming (USAS) using our team link. Step #2 is to create an account with KKW on the team website- select the assigned swim group and follow the prompts.
  • We encourage you to read the Club Handbook via the club website prior to registering as it contains important topics (billing/fees, fundraising, volunteer requirements, etc) and official registration for the current year will stand as agreement to the policies and conditions set forth.

​​​Do I have to wear a specific suit?

  • During practices, competition suit choice is left up to the swimmer (style, color, pattern) with an optional, but recommended, swim cap.
  • For all Intra-squad, Regional, State, and National Meets, a solid black competition suit is required (team logo optional) along with a black or white KKW swim cap.
  • See the team website for a link to the SwimOutlet.com, which also features our team store.

What gear/equipment do I need?

  • KKW tries to provide as much equipment as possible to help our swimmers succeed. Equipment provided include: kickboard, pull buoy, hand paddles, and fins. Equipment required for all swimmers include: goggles and a water bottle, towels will be kept in the locker room. Coho, Sockeye, and Chinook level groups will also need snorkels.
  • Some swimmers prefer having all of their own equipment and that is definitely acceptable! Mesh bags are helpful to carry equipment.​

Is travel to meets outside of Ketchikan required?

  • No. Travel to meets outside of Ketchikan is not required as travel expenses are the responsibility of each family. While we do encourage participation in meets because they are a fun and rewarding part of the sport of swim, we know travel expenses can quickly add up. The club hosts monthly Intra-squad Meets to help swimmers earn times needed for participation at certain other meets.

What are the mobile swim apps that I keep hearing about?

  • Meet Mobile app: Provides access to heat sheets and real-time meet results from all over the world. Downloading is free, but in-app purchasing allows you to receive swimmer and club results at all meets.
  • SportsEngine Motion: Free and connected to your SportsEngine Motion account with KKW, this app provides easy access to all club related functions without having to sign in on the actual website: member account, activity feed, meet declarations, volunteer signups, billing, and more.

Do I need to re-register with KKW each year?

  • Yes. We are a year-round swim club, but annual KKW registration ($25) is required for all returning swimmers at the beginning of the regular season (end of Aug/beginning of Sept). Registration covers the regular season and the summer session.

Does my USA Swimming (USAS) registration expire?

  • Yes. For all returning swimmers, USAS registration will need to be kept current (renewed) once a year prior to expiration in order to compete in any Intra-squad and other meets. USAS member registrations are valid until December 31 of each calendar year.

What if my child participates in other sports and activities?

  • We have quite a few athletes on the team that participate in other sports and activities! We ask that you let the Coach know in advance if your swimmer will not be present at practices. However, if your swimmer plans to "take a break" (suspend) from swim for the duration of another sport, please let the Coach and Membership Coordinator know so your account status can be updated. As noted in the Club Handbook, monthly fees will not be prorated and are non-refundable. Please give at least a week's notice prior to the beginning of each month to prevent being billed for it. In general, keep in mind that swim performance and progress are a direct reflection of your swimmer's attendance level.

Why are there required parent/volunteer hours?

  • We are a parent-run organization. Parents are not only the key to making the swim experience positive for swimmers, but also essential to making Intra-squad and any other meets possible and successful for our swimmers. Families are required to earn a minimum of 30.5 hours per family, unfulfilled hours will be billed $30 per hour.
  • There are LOTS of opportunities to earn hours. With that said, once the required hours are earned, please keep volunteering! We need YOU!!

How do I earn volunteer hours?

  • For each Intrasquad and Home Meet, volunteer signups are available online under said event. Depending on the activity, it is possible to sign up for multiple positions (i.e. meet set-up, timer, runner, meet official, meet take-down). If you have a relative or friend who would like to volunteer on your behalf, they can be signed up and earn hours too!

Is fundraising required? If so, why?

  • Yes, unless you opt to pay higher monthly dues. Participation in fundraising needs to be decided at the time of registration. Once the season has begun, your decision will stand until the following season.  
  • Fundraising allows our club to maintain and add extras, which would not be possible without fundraising efforts. Any amount above the $619 required of each swimmer will be used to benefit the club, not individual accounts.

Is it possible to temporarily suspend our account?

  • Yes. If possible, please let our Membership Coordinator know before the first of each month as not to incur charges. All fees are non-refundable.

Is new yearly team swag included with my membership fees?

  • While we wish we could guarantee new yearly swag, due to increasing pool fees and trying to keep our membership fees low, new swag is entirely dependent on the current financial standing of the club as mentioned above in regard to fundraising. Hence, fundraising above and beyond the minimum benefits all!

I have a problem and/or concern that I would like to discuss, who should I go to?

  • We ask that you present any problems and/or concerns (about anything!) to the Head Coach FIRST. The easiest method of communication is through email (kkw.headcoach@gmail.com), but if preferred, scheduling a time to meet in person or over the phone is not a problem. Coach is available at the pool, but only AFTER 6PM practices. Please do not interrupt swim practices to talk to the Coach as it takes valuable time away from the swimmers. If he is unable to assist or provide the necessary information after practices are over, he will direct you to the proper Board Member (Membership, Treasurer, Ways and Means, President, etc.) for further assistance.

Is the SafeSport course for the parents AND swimmers required?

  • Yes! As a USA Swimming SafeSport recognized swim club, our club is committed to creating a healthy, safe, and positive environment free from abuse for all our members. As part of this committment, it is important for ALL parents and minor athletes (of all ages) to participate in the free, age-appropriate online course provided through USA Swimming to understand and recognize unhealthy behaviors, as well as how to report misconduct to USA Swimming and the U.S. Center for SafeSport. Please see our "SafeSport" tab on our website for additional information. 
  • SafeSport training is required by all of our Coaches, Board Members, Officials, and other volunteers!

My child is a Kayhi Swim and Dive team member, do I need to register him/her with KKW at the beginning of the season, even if they will not swim with KKW until after the Kayhi swim season is complete?

  • We highly encourage our dual KKW and Kayhi swimmers to register at the beginning of the season under the special “Senior High School” group, which only charges the annual $25 registration fee (required for all returning KKW swimmers). Normal monthly billing will not go into effect for this group until November when the Kayhi swim season is complete. Registering in advance of their participation with KKW, will enable times earned during the high school season to count within their club swim (KKW/ USAS).

My child is/was part of the Kayhi Swim and Dive team, are they able to join KKW, even if they never have been part of the club before?

Absolutely! We would love to have your Kayhi Swim and Dive member join KKW. Our Head Coach will approach the Kayhi team toward the end of the season to see if anyone would like to join. If interested before then, please contact our Head Coach or Membership Coordinator and they will direct you through the registration process.